As you offer help to a friend, you are nourishing the universe.
As you hug a stranger, you are nourishing the universe.
When you breathe slowly, you are nourishing the universe.
When you show patience, you are nourishing the universe.
When you tend your garden, you are nourishing the universe.
When you help support a farmer, you are nourishing the universe.
When you clean your surroundings, you are nourishing the universe.
With every smile you give, you are nourishing the universe.
With every act of kindness you give, you are nourishing the universe.
Just as when you give air on your exhaling breath and you receive air on your inhalation, when you nourish the universe it will nourish you in response.
When a friend helps YOU, the universe is nourishing you.
With a stranger hugs YOU, the universe is nourishing you.
With every drink of water or juice, the universe is nourishing you.
With every hug, the universe is nourishing you.
With light from the sun, the universe is nourishing you.
With the drops of rain, the universe is nourishing you.
With the flow of the rivers, the universe is nourishing you.
As water from those same rivers evaporate and form clouds, the universe is nourishing you.
As the clouds drops its rain again, the universe is nourishing you.
With meditation, the universe is nourishing you.
When every breath, the universe is nourishing you.
With every step, the universe is nourishing you.
You do so much already to help nourish everything outside and inside of you. There may be ideas that you have to expand your reach and spread that gratitude even further, so go ahead and explore. Whether it is with a positive attitude or by participating in a particular practice such as meditation or simply by smiling more often to strangers and being a little more patient, go for it. Whatever it is that you choose, the universe will surely reciprocate those feelings.
Please share if you have any ways you feel nourished by all that is within and by all that surrounds.
Enjoy this day, my friends!