"Quick checking the same stupid websites over and over, man!" What a waste of time sometimes. And even though I will not be immune from that, I found a great distraction, to well, a distraction.

Type into the search box, "How to make" and then hit the space bar. From there the search engine will start populating the rest of the sentence. Something like, "How to make a cake" or "How to make pancakes" pops up. If you like the cake option, it looks like you can make up to your girlfriend or wife for being such a dummy (I'm right, huh fellas?). If you decide against those options, simply hit the space bar and type in a letter, like maybe the letter "g" and something like "How to make ginger ale" will populate. I did this at home the other day and made some ginger ale for myself and some friends and it was delicious (and really quick, too). Nothing in the letter "g" is doing it for you? Choose another letter until you find something fun.
This was a little trick I devised to challenge myself to making more things and also test my creativity. If I wanted I could have taken the ginger ale recipe and add a couple more ingredients like some herb and lime and make a homemade cocktail or tried something completely different. Taking the next step just adds to the fun.
How far do you think you could take your creation?
Like the idea? Learn how to make something new by the end of the day today (midnight tonight) and post the results in my Facebook comments. Every person who enters by posting their results from their creation will get a handwritten letter in the mail from me from Thailand.
Have fun amigos!
P.S. Here's the homemade ginger ale recipe in case you were wondering: