More and more lately I have been fascinated with habits. What route do you take to work? What pant leg do you put on first? Do you ever go out with friends and NOT have a beer? The list can go on-and-on.
What I am getting at this there are hundreds, if not thousands of habits that we execute daily and most of the time we do not even think about what we are doing. Now this isn't necessarily always a bad thing because habits can help us become more efficient throughout our day and allows us to get much more done without wasting too much energy. The only issue I believe with some of these habits is that they become so routine that we feel we cannot break them, thus limiting our belief in our own capabilities. Not cool, yo.
So lets take a look closer at how habits are formed and what we can do to change them. According to Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habits, with his extensive scientific research it has been found that are three phases that shape a habit.
1. Cue
There is a cue that starts the habit-forming process. For example, what is the first thing you do in the morning? Maybe you head to the kitchen immediately and start a pot of coffee like millions of people do. The cue here is the act of waking up. And if you're like me around 7pm at work every night you get hungry (like I do) and want a grilled cheese sandwich (yummmmm). This is also triggered by the time of day.
Once a cue has triggered, you go straight into some sort of...
2. Routine
This would be the actual physical or mental act that makes up the habit. So whether it is getting out of bed and physically walking to the kitchen, or picking up the phone and calling the restaurant to have a grilled cheese sandwich ready for you, this is your routine.
So why do we engage in these routines after a cue sets it off? Simple. We are anticipating some type of...
3. Reward
What are you getting from this routine that you have formed? Every routine has some kind of reward whether it's emotional or physical. When you drink that coffee it's the feeling you get after you drink it that is your reward. When I get a little hungry at 7pm I start to anticipate the cheesy and comforting flavors of a great sandwich.
When we look at forming new habits, we can look at these three phases and begin to play around a little. Maybe instead of getting up and heading directly to the kitchen in the morning, we set a pair of running shoes right by our bed and trigger a cue for a different routine that will improve our health. To change the routine of eating too many grilled cheese sandwiches we put some trail mix in our drawer at work (this is working great for me!). Finally, we can set a reward for starting a new habit also, like a reward of an exotic overseas trip in six months if we stop drinking.
Think cue, routine, and reward. Changing either of these can result in incredible changes. A huge step is really looking closer at your day and figuring out what habits you have formed almost without thinking and finding ways to hack the system so you can make some changes. It's not that what you are doing now is necessarily a bad thing, it's just finding ways to become happier and also to increase the vibration that you are putting out into the universe.
Lets look at one way of changing habits that I will add to this list. It's a little...
4. Zen trick
There is a teaching in Zen that in order to do something, you simply do it without thinking. This spontaneity is taught extensively in Zen and in order to accomplish this state-of-mind you need to shut off your rational-thinking mind and start to take action immediately (see previous post). The rational mind can and will get in the way of accomplishing goals because it can create excuses for EVERYTHING FREAKING THING. Don't think. Just GO.
In order to really start changing habits that are deeply ingrained in your life Duhigg adds that you must completely and 100 percent...
5. Believe in yourself
Every single day and every single moment is new. This very second you are a brand spanking new person. We have formed so many habits and have been told by so many people and ourselves that we are a certain way and there is nothing you can do about it. I am her to tell you that you are capable of great things and great change. You can make HUGE changes today that will reshape your health, finances, happiness, and bring more smiles to your beautiful face.
I think what is very important to add is that you are perfect exactly the way you are right this second. Being able to find ways to live a happier or healthier life is just a bonus and adds to the greatness that is right now.
So how we can create the new you TODAY and how can you win a prize?
Figure out what it is that you want to change that you can do just ONCE in 24 hours.
For example:
You want to eat a healthier breakfast tomorrow morning.
You want to run after work tonight (hint: take your running shoes with you to work or leave them by your door).
You don't want to smoke at work today.
You want to work on a project that you have been putting off.
You do not drink soda today at work.
Whatever it is lets simply make it happen even ONE time today. I want you to see that you are capable of making this change and doing it once is reinforcement that you can do it.
Remember, think cue, routine, reward, Zen, believe.
If you eliminate this habit even once today, I will send you a little treat to your doorstep. It might be a handmade item, maybe it's a gift card to the coffee shop by your house, or maybe...who knows? It won't be of great monetary value but I will stick something in the mail for you.
Leave a comment at the bottom of this post on my blog or on the Facebook post this belongs to today about what you will change. Once you accomplish your one-day goal leave a comment explaining what you did to make it happen. You have 24 hours from right NOW.
Now lets make it happen!
I think I would just like to regularly advance on my project... no more overwhelm... spend an hour/day advancing on it. I will begin tomorrow ;) but really ! Let you know how it goes!
ReplyDeleteAwesome Gena! I look forward to reading what you do!
ReplyDeleteSo tonight immediately when I get home will be writing for a simple 10 minutes and I will set up my pen and paper on my table in my living room so I will see it when I get home (this is the cue). This will help me overcome the willpower to write, lets say, 1000 words that seems like it can be a large task. From there, I will see if it continues to the next day. Simple enough. Gena and I have entered the contest :)